Meet Nancy Chinonis: The Newly Appointed Chairperson of State Bar Character & Fitness Committee
Starting January 1, 2024, Nancy Chinonis has been appointed by the Board of Commissioners as the Chairperson of the State Bar District B...

Our firm participated in the Carriage Town Ministries Christmas Adopt a Family Program
Our firm participated in the Carriage Town Ministries Christmas Adopt a Family Program again this year and were able to provide gifts to...
José Brown Has Been Nominated As One Of The MDTC's Excellence In Defense Award Recipients
We are pleased to announce that José Brown has been nominated as one of the Michigan Defense Trial Counsel's Excellence in Defense Award...
Megan Mulder Has Been Named A Go-To Lawyer for Negligence Law
We are pleased to announce that Megan Mulder has been selected as one of “Michigan's Go To Lawyers" for negligence law by Michigan...
The Death of Open and Obvious
Michigan Supreme Court Obliterates Open and Obvious Defense to Premises Liability Claims. For years, Defendants in Michigan have been...
A new federal law protecting the rights of pregnant workers takes effect on June 27.
The Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA) takes effect on June 27, expanding protections to ensure that workers experiencing pregnancy,...