Cline, Cline & Griffin Takes First Place at the Clays to Raise Fundraiser
The Cline, Cline & Griffin team took first place at the Memorial Healthcare Foundation Clays to Raise sporting clay shoot fundraiser!

Cline, Cline & Griffin is Proud To Be a Sponsor of the Ally Challenge
Cline, Cline & Griffin is proud to be a sponsor of the Ally Challenge and also participated in the Pro-Am today!

Cline, Cline & Griffin Attends Flint Farmers' Market Event for Ball Together Now
Our firm attended the Ball Together Now event at the Flint Farmers' Market where we accepted donations for the Ball Together Now program....
Cline, Cline & Griffin Celebrates Administrative Professionals Day
Our office had some mid-week fun with a jeans day for Administrative Professionals Day! Our office matched all employee contributions and...

Cline, Cline & Griffin Attends the Memorial Healthcare Foundation Gala
Our attorneys had a wonderful time at the Memorial Healthcare Foundation Gala this past Saturday evening! Thank you to the Foundation for...

Cline Cline & Griffin is a proud sponsor and participant in the Memorial Clay Shoot Event
Cline Cline & Griffin is a proud sponsor and participant in the Memorial Clay Shoot Event at the Grand Blanc Huntsman's Club. The funds...

Eric Froats Presents on Trademark and Copyright Law
Eric Froats recently shared his expertise on Trademark and Copyright law at the Marketing Unfiltered Meetup hosted by 3Sixty Interactive...